
A brief history…

I have always perceived my grandmother as a masterful chef. She is the person I can attribute my interest in baking to. Whenever she babysat me and my brother as toddlers, she would bring over ingredients so we could all make treats like sugar cookies, bread, and even marshmallows as a team.

Years later, upon receiving many compliments for a delectable holiday feast that she cooked me and my extended family, my grandmother turned to me and muttered with her usual frankness that “if you can read… you can cook”. At first I found it absurd that she would say such a thing, but my grandmother is an extremely lighthearted and humble person. The simplicity and candor of that statement has stayed with me ever since she unintentionally imparted it, but her perception of cooking did not diminish my admiration of her ability to cook in the least. That downplay instead made cooking seem like a very accessible activity that I could also participate in and maybe one day, if I was lucky, gain a prowess in the kitchen relative to hers.

However, no one gets better at anything relying solely on luck! In high school I decided that I should learn how to cook. Or try to, at the very least. I really had no idea where to begin, so it started out with chopping veggies in the kitchen, washing greens, or even combining olive oil and vinegar to make salad dressing– very rudimentary activities indeed. I made some recipes on my own that I found in cookbooks around the house, and it made me happy when dishes seemed to turn out right and taste like I imagined they should. In college, I initially didn’t have to cook for myself thanks to meal plans and dining halls, but I took pleasure in baking for friends and peers in my dorm. I’m a little over a year graduated now and enjoy baking as much as ever, but I luckily still have people around to give baked goods to. Cooking is something that I do for myself because I find it fun and rewarding, but what makes it more rewarding is being able to share it with others.

stirring pozole at the stovetop

Why Purple Honey?

The name is somewhat arbitrary but purple is one of my favorite colors and honey one of my favorite staples for its versatility as an ingredient, even though it has such a distinctive flavor. I like food blogs and wanted to try my hand at making one. Pretty simple, no big underlying reasons here. I just want to write out little blurbs and recipes that I’ve tried and found successful. Cheers!